Thursday 27 February 2014

Trusting our vibes

Each of us is born with amazing intuition, yet many of us do not realise this. Our intuition is shown to us through our gut feelings, insights, knowing and dreams. We make so many of our major life decisions based on it, so lets add more magic into our daily lives.

We have the answers to all our questions within ourselves and when we look deep enough we will find them. First we need to trust our vibes completely to allow that independent energy to surface, looking to ourselves for the answers rather than depending on others.

A simple technique to enable this process is to do a regular meditation. This opens our intuitive channels to allow our creative vibes to flow. The more we do it, the easier it becomes, so lets make more time available for sitting in stillness to do the following meditation:

  • Take a moment to think where in your life you would like to add more intuition
  • Sit quietly focusing on your breathe
  • Breath in for the count of 3, hold for 3, breath out for the count of 3, hold for 3
  • Repeat this for 5 minutes
  • Start to inhale the colour purple
  • Relax and enjoy the meditation
  • Ask any question one at a time
  • Listen to the answer through gut feelings/knowing/intuition/visions
  • Trust your answer

Adding this into our daily routine will be one of greatest gifts we can give to ourselves. Personal freedom comes from trusting who we are and honouring what we need. An independent way is our reward to let go of old clingy co-dependant habits.

Using this technique greatly enriches our lives. It is an easy fast track way to make decisions that has our best interests at heart.

The key is to practise practise practise…..! 


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