Thursday 6 February 2014

Everything happens for a reason

We may not understand why certain life events happen however everything happens for a reason. Whether we are experiencing joy or pain, it is our reaction to these feelings that will determine the future we create.

 Nothing in life stands still, everything changes and moves on. Nature shows us this example beautifully through the seasons and moon cycles. We have the birth of Spring, the blossoming of Summer, the harvest of Autumn and the solitude of Winter. We also experience change through lunar cycles; the waxing moon supplies, the full moon offers insights, the waning moon detoxes and new/dark moon offers new beginnings.

Our life can flow in many directions just like the seasons and lunar cycles. We are part of nature and part of each other, so change is always inevitable. How we react to change is completely up to us. There can be no right or wrong way to experience this, our conscious choice determines that. 

 Going with life’s flow means trusting in our future and surrendering any expectations we may have. Experiencing life’s up’s and down’s is part of our growth and learning. Without the bumpy blips what awareness and wisdom would we have? 

 Whatever the life lessons we are currently learning, it is worth while remembering that life is a beautiful gift. It is not reserved for the past or the future, it is for the now, our present moment. 

 Choice creates freedom and when we give birth to a new sense of freedom, we have the ability to move mountains. Each and everyone of us owns magnificent power, which can be directed through intention. Having awareness of our intention is the key to unlock our future delights. 

 Lets all trust in our future and allow our life happenings to unfold.

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