Thursday 27 February 2014

Trusting our vibes

Each of us is born with amazing intuition, yet many of us do not realise this. Our intuition is shown to us through our gut feelings, insights, knowing and dreams. We make so many of our major life decisions based on it, so lets add more magic into our daily lives.

We have the answers to all our questions within ourselves and when we look deep enough we will find them. First we need to trust our vibes completely to allow that independent energy to surface, looking to ourselves for the answers rather than depending on others.

A simple technique to enable this process is to do a regular meditation. This opens our intuitive channels to allow our creative vibes to flow. The more we do it, the easier it becomes, so lets make more time available for sitting in stillness to do the following meditation:

  • Take a moment to think where in your life you would like to add more intuition
  • Sit quietly focusing on your breathe
  • Breath in for the count of 3, hold for 3, breath out for the count of 3, hold for 3
  • Repeat this for 5 minutes
  • Start to inhale the colour purple
  • Relax and enjoy the meditation
  • Ask any question one at a time
  • Listen to the answer through gut feelings/knowing/intuition/visions
  • Trust your answer

Adding this into our daily routine will be one of greatest gifts we can give to ourselves. Personal freedom comes from trusting who we are and honouring what we need. An independent way is our reward to let go of old clingy co-dependant habits.

Using this technique greatly enriches our lives. It is an easy fast track way to make decisions that has our best interests at heart.

The key is to practise practise practise…..! 


Thursday 20 February 2014

Chakras and Wellbeing

I have studied and worked with chakras for over ten years and I am still completely fascinated by them.
To first understand them, forget everything you know!
Yes, reboot yourself back to factory settings. Once you are able to do this, you will start a beautiful journey upgrading your energy and life. And remember, keep everything simple.

Lets understand the basics. The Sanskrit word ʻchakraʼ means ʻwheel of physical or spiritual energy in the human bodyʼ. We have 7 main chakras or energetic points in the physical body, which start at the bottom of our spine and finish at the top of our head. Each chakra governs a different part of our physical body as well as specific area in our life.

Chakras Sitting Down Position

The energy we create within our mind, body, soul and emotions is channeled through our chakras, which can determine whether our life experiences will be positive or negative.

My favourite quote to describe this process comes from Einstein - "Everything is energy and thats all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

What does this mean? If you seek happiness, it is time to change your half empty glass, for a half full one! When we surround ourself with negative thoughts, people, situations and environments, the energy we attract into our life is negative creating toxic chakras, and an unhealthy physical body.

When we choose to surround our self with positive people, thoughts and environments, we will attract positive energy into our life creating healthy chakras and a healthy physical body. What we feed our mind, body, soul and emotions, affects our chakras, which then impacts our life.

Now comes the rebooting part of understanding our chakras. We know each chakra governs different parts of our physical body, which relate to different aspects of our life. We also know that to much negativity affects our energy and health, so here is what can happen next. When we donʼt listen to our body and refuse to make changes in our life, all that negative energy and emotion gets trapped in our physical body and manifests into physical pain.

Let me give you an example. Say I am unhappy at work and not enjoying my job. I dread going to work in the morning, knowing I will be there all day because I need the security of my job to pay my bills, sound familiar? Each negative thought builds in my mind consuming my thoughts, and my energy becomes low.

My physical body is becoming tired and fatigued and I am losing my mojo, longing for the weekend to come. To top it all, I have developed a bad back and hip which is limiting my physical movement. STOP! Our first chakra called Muladhara or the root chakra (red), which is located at the base of our spine, governs our life aspect of work, home, finances and relationships.

It also governs the base of our spine to the tip of our toes. So, if we are not meeting our needs within this chakra, the manifestation of negativity will inevitably happen somewhere within these body parts. In this case it has appeared in the back and hip, areas that govern the root chakra.

Our chakras and wellbeing go hand in hand!

How do you change this? Start to change your life by getting to know what your needs are, then look for a job/career that is more suited to you. Limitations exist if you allow them to! There is no quick fix to happiness and wellbeing, it takes time and effort by you, for you.
For me, the chakras are an indication of how we can reach our fullest potential. Understanding then unblocking each chakra, and transcending any limitations we may have created. As our chakras open, our conscious understanding of life blossoms.

Wellbeing is contagious, pass it on!
If you are looking to boost your chakras and life, my ʻInside Outʼ - 7 week program is designed specifically to do this. It can be done individually, or in a work/group setting.

Me, We, Us

As I reach a significant birthday, I am reminded of life’s cycles. There is something amazing about getting through your 30’s and feeling really grown up to reach 40. Age is but a number and I can honestly say inside I still feel 19. I certainly don’t look 19 but I have a newness within, a more mature awareness of knowing who I am which has been kept for now.

As women we go through 3 main cycles in our life; maiden years, mother years and matriarch years. All these cycles teach us so much about ourselves. Now gentlemen, you don’t get off scot free because you also have your cycles; playboy, father and patriarch years. Sound familiar?

Our maiden and playboy years are a coming of age. They are the ‘think we know everything’ years and the world revolves around us cycle. It is the absolute beauty of youth  and naivety in its purest form. We reach this cycle in our late teens around about 18 years old and continues until our late twenties. The maiden and playboy cycles are the ‘me’ years full of fun, frivolity, discovery and not much responsibility. We discover ourselves through relationships, levels of crazy fun, superficial beauty and the ‘who cares’ energy. These years cannot last forever or we would all suffer from burn out. Even the toughest of maidens or playboys will one day move into mother and father cycles, it is all in the learning and timing. It is important is to shed our old skin, to leave behind this cycle embracing the next one. After all, this is the youth cycle and they really do look so much better doing it. Revisiting this cycle is fun especially when we have the energy but when children come along, it may become a rare experience.

Moving into the mother and father years can be a difficult transition for some. It is no longer about the me, but now a larger ‘we.’ This is the start of responsibility and partnerships, where we select a partner to travel through life with and start a family. For anyone who has children I don’t need to tell you about the change it brings to your life, so lets just call it the selfless times. I am aware many of you may not have children however, you will still naturally move through these cycles giving birth to many other life events. Being a mother or father and watching your child grow, is such a blessed experience. These beautiful little bundles of joy become our greatest teachers. Happening in our early thirties to late forties, issues can arise when there is trouble letting go of our maiden/playboy cycle, it can manifest into a midlife crisis. So the sooner we embrace our mother/father energy, the better. This cycle lasts a lifetime and shows us the true meaning of ‘we’ energy.

Embracing the matriarch and patriarch years happens around our fifties. As I am not fully fledged into this cycle yet, I can only observe what happens and I like what I see. The we becomes ‘us’ and legacy comes into play. It moves into a collective oneness where giving back and investing in the future becomes priority. The apron strings are cut and grandchildren emerge. Suddenly the responsibility is lifted and replaced with a lighter more fun approach. The wisdom of half a century is put into practise with such ease and grace, as the former mother and father years are upgraded. Age now equates to life experience and what we have filled our lives with, will determine the outcome and reaction to these years. The wonderful thing about this cycle, is the simple fact that each and every matriarch and patriarch has done it all before. There is vast knowledge and an opportunity to share it with those who are clever enough to listen.

Whichever life cycle we are currently living, learning, growth and newness will be offered to us. There is a wealth of wonderfulness rich with teachings, all we need to do is surrender to the flow and receive the gift of living.

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Thursday 13 February 2014

Soul to Soul

Having worked with many terminally ill people, I never stop being amazed by their bravery. It is a humbling and loving experience to encounter a deep soul to soul connection, sharing spiritual insights and truths. I was recently reminded again, what a privilege it is for us all to have a precious human life.

I started working with a lovely person who has cancer. They have a family and business to run, so finding balance is important. After many tests and still not being able to locate where the cancer is, their spirit and positivity remains strong. They have a fantastic support network around them full of love and care. 

Being invited to be part of this journey, my role is to offer relaxation and soul based healing. Having regular visits and topping up their energy with healing, laughter and wise words, I am touched by how inspired I feel after each visit. Here I am with a person who doesn’t know their future. They are scared but optimistic. Finding strength and courage to embrace whatever comes their way and not allowing negativity into their life. With no moaning or feeling sorry for themselves, the love for family keeps them fuelled with determination to not give up. Having no idea how much time is left and making the most of every single minute, fills me with so much admiration for this beautiful soul and the choices being made. I feel privileged to be part of their treatment. 

Sometimes in life we do not embrace what we really need, because we think we have plenty of time. Procrastination and resistance, stop us realising the perfect time for change isn’t in the future, it is right now.

It is not until we encounter the humbling experience of big change or suffering on some level, that we are able to embrace a new lifestyle structure. Of course this is not the same for everyone as we are all different. 

Courage and bravery comes from our heart and is an energy that carries us through bad times, fueling our determination to keep moving forward. Having the strength to embrace the unknown with peace in our soul and love in our heart is a winning combination. 

I often reflect upon my most touching moments, the ones that find their way into our heart and soul. The intimate conversations that happen within any healing process are not only beautiful, they hold such strong human essence. Being blessed to be part of someones spiritual growth is both magical and rewarding. 

I am extremely grateful to be alive and part of this world. We all have something in common; a precious human life.